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Article in special issue of Anthropology Today by ESR Annigje van Dijk
Article in special issue of Anthropology Today by ESR Cecilie Baann
Article in special issue of Anthropology Today by ESR Edwin Ameso and Ruth Jane Prince
Article in special issue of Anthropology Today by ESR Rune Larsen and Steven Van Wolputte
Article in special issue of Anthropology Today by ESR Kirsten Nielsen and supervisor Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Kirsten Nielsen presented a paper in the panel "energy transition(s): the promises of renewables and future of the commons" and Charline Kopf and…
On July 1st, at 13.30 (CET) ESR Evelien Storme will defend her thesis "Landscapes of Youth at Work: places, practices and possibilities for livelihood…
Writing the final thesis chapters on planet Hoth (or where Capt Scott practised for his faithful journey).
ESR Tanja Hendriks presented her research in the Humanitarian Governance webinar series of the ISS in The Hague.
The Edinburg ANTHUSIA team organized a writing retreat from February 21-26, 2022
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